What is Body Sculpting? Cryoslimming vs EMS Body Sculpting

Recent technological advancements have evolved body sculpting possibilities beyond traditional diet and exercise.

Nowadays you don't have to get invasive surgeries like liposuction - instead you can get cutting edge treatments like:

Keep reading to learn how these two specialized services can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting, also known as body contouring, is reshaping body contours through the removal or reduction of fat cells and, in some cases, enhancing muscle tone.

Unlike traditional weight loss methods that shrink fat cells, body sculpting techniques aim to permanently eliminate these cells from the body, offering a more direct route to sculpting your desired physique. While surgical options like liposuction have been popular for decades, the spotlight has increasingly shifted towards non-invasive methods with no downtime and much fewer risks.

EMS body sculpting uses electrical currents to create muscle contractions, effectively simulating the effects of a strenuous workout without the physical exertion. This method not only helps in reducing fat but also builds muscle tone, offering a dual benefit to clients.

Localized cryotherapy, on the other hand, targets fat cells by exposing them to extremely cold temperatures, leading to their natural death and eventual elimination from the body. This targeted approach allows for precise contouring in areas that are often resistant to diet and exercise alone.

These methods stand out for their ability to provide significant aesthetic improvements without the discomfort, risks, and recovery time associated with surgical procedures. Whether you're looking to enhance your muscle definition or reduce fat in specific areas, our clinic's non-invasive body sculpting services offer a tailored solution to meet your goals.

Our Body Sculpting Services

Our clinic proudly offers two state-of-the-art services: EMS body sculpting and localized cryotherapy. These cutting-edge treatments are designed not just for fat reduction but also for enhancing muscle tone and improving overall body contours.

EMS Body Sculpting

EMS body sculpting harnesses the power of Electrical Muscle Stimulation to mimic the effects of a high-intensity workout. By delivering electrical impulses directly to the muscles, it induces deep muscle contractions that traditional exercises cannot easily achieve to help in burning fat and to significantly enhances muscle tone and strength over time. EMS body sculpting is particularly effective for abdominal toning, buttocks lifting, and improving muscle definition in areas like the arms and legs.


Localized Cryotherapy

Localized cryotherapy targets fat cells by exposing them to extremely cold temperatures, which triggers a natural cell death process known as apoptosis. This treatment is exceptionally effective for spot reduction in stubborn areas such as love handles, belly fat, thighs, and upper arms. The process is quick, painless, and requires no downtime, making it an excellent option for busy individuals looking to enhance their body contours. Cryoslimming helps reduce body fat, but it does not help muscles.


Both of these non-invasive techniques offer a safe and effective alternative to liposuction and other surgical body contouring methods. For a deeper comparison and understanding of how our services stand apart from traditional liposuction, we invite you to read our comprehensive post on "Liposuction vs. Body Sculpting."

Our commitment to providing personalized care ensures that each client receives a treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and goals. By combining advanced technology with a deep understanding of body aesthetics, our clinic helps clients achieve visible, lasting results.

Ideal Candidates for Body Sculpting Services

Curious about non-invasive body sculpting options such as EMS and cryotherapy? See if you're the right match for treatments:

Who Benefits from EMS Body Sculpting and Localized Cryotherapy?

  • Individuals Close to Their Ideal Weight: Non-invasive body sculpting is most effective for those who are already near their ideal body weight but struggle with localized fat deposits or lack of muscle definition that diet and exercise alone cannot resolve.
  • People Seeking Targeted Contouring: If you have specific areas of your body you wish to enhance, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or arms, our treatments can provide the targeted approach you need.
  • Those Looking for Non-Surgical Alternatives: Ideal candidates are those seeking to avoid the risks, downtime, and recovery associated with surgical procedures like liposuction.

Who Should Consider Alternatives to Body Sculpting?

  • Individuals with Significant Weight Loss Goals: Our services are not designed for significant weight loss. Those with considerable weight to lose may benefit from our weight loss program before or in conjunction with body sculpting treatments.
  • People with Certain Medical Conditions: Conditions that affect the body's response to cold or electrical stimulation, such as cryoglobulinemia or implantable devices like pacemakers, may preclude some individuals from certain treatments.

Setting Realistic Expectations

While our body sculpting services can produce remarkable results in the right candidates, they are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining the results from EMS body sculpting and Cryoslimming requires a commitment to regular physical activity and a balanced diet. During the consultation process, our specialists will discuss what results you can realistically expect and how to sustain those results over time.

By carefully selecting candidates who are most likely to benefit from our services and setting clear, realistic expectations, we ensure that our clients are satisfied with their body sculpting journey and the lasting changes they see.

How Do Body Sculpting Techniques Work?

Understanding the science behind our body sculpting techniques can help demystify the process and set realistic expectations for potential clients. Both EMS body sculpting and localized cryotherapy work by targeting the body’s natural processes, but they do so in uniquely effective ways.

EMS Body sculpting service in action

The Science Behind EMS Body Sculpting

EMS body sculpting operates on the principle of electrical muscle stimulation , where targeted electrical impulses cause muscles to contract just as they would during physical exercise. These contractions are intense and designed to engage muscles much more deeply than conventional workouts can achieve. This not only leads to fat reduction in the treated areas by increasing metabolic rate but also significantly enhances muscle mass and definition. Over time, this process results in a more sculpted, toned appearance.

The Effectiveness of Localized Cryotherapy

Localized cryotherapy targets fat cells by cooling them to a temperature at which they can no longer survive. This process, known as cryolipolysis, leads to the gradual death of the fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body over the following weeks and months. The precision of localized cryotherapy means it can effectively target problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissues, making it an excellent option for sculpting specific body parts.

How Long Before Body Sculpting Results Show:

While individual results can vary, clients typically begin to see noticeable improvements within a few weeks of their first treatment.

  • For EMS body sculpting, optimal results usually manifest after a series of sessions, as muscle tone and definition improve progressively with each treatment.
  • Cryoslimming results show within 3-6 weeks after the initial session, with continued improvement observed over 2 to 4 months as the body naturally processes and removes dead fat cells.

It's important for clients to have realistic expectations and understand that these treatments are most effective when used as part of a broader wellness and fitness strategy. Our specialists work closely with each client to determine the best treatment plan and provide guidance on how to maintain and enhance their results through lifestyle choices.

What to Expect During and After a Body Sculpting Treatment

Here's a quick rundown on what you can expect before, during, and after your contour treatment sessions.

Before Treatment

You'll begin with a detailed consultation with one of our specialists. This step helps us understand your aesthetic goals, assess your suitability for the treatments, and craft a personalized treatment plan.

Depending on the specific treatment, you might be advised to hydrate well, avoid certain medications or supplements, and come dressed in comfortable clothing.

During Treatment

EMS Body Sculpting sessions typically last between 20-30 minutes. You'll feel your muscles contract and relax, similar to an intense workout, but you'll be lying down and can relax during the process.

Localized Cryotherapy sessions targets specific areas for fat reduction and lasts for a few minutes per treatment area. You may feel a cold sensation, but the treatment is designed to be comfortable and pain-free.

After Treatment

There is little to no downtime associated with either treatment, allowing you to return to your daily life immediately. Some mild redness, tingling, or soreness in the treated area is normal and should subside quickly.

While some client notice changes as early as a few weeks after treatment, optimal results typically show in 2-3 months as your body naturally processes and eliminates the treated fat cells and muscle tone improves.

To sustain and enhance your results, follow a healthy lifestyle, stay active, maintain a balanced diet, and adhere to any personalized advice from our specialists.

Our team is dedicated to supporting you throughout your body sculpting journey, ensuring you achieve the best possible outcomes and enjoy a positive, transformative experience.

Optimize Your Body Sculpting Results with Lifestyle Wellness Habits

Achieving optimal results from EMS body sculpting and localized cryotherapy extends beyond the treatment sessions themselves. Incorporating lifestyle wellness into your routine plays a crucial role in not only enhancing the effects of body sculpting but also in maintaining them long-term. Here are some wellness advice and practices to complement your body sculpting journey:

Stay Physically Active

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining the muscle tone and definition achieved through EMS body sculpting. It also helps sustain the metabolic rate, aiding in the continued management of fat levels in the body. Activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, or any form of exercise that you enjoy can make a significant difference.

Drink Lots of Water

Keeping well-hydrated is crucial for overall health and can support the body's process of eliminating dead fat cells post-cryotherapy. Water aids in the detoxification process and can enhance the body's ability to metabolize fat.

Eat Mindfully

While specific diets are not our focus, adopting a balanced approach to eating can support your body sculpting results. Focus on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains, which nourish the body and support muscle growth and fat loss.

Stress Management & Sleep

Stress and sleep both have profound effects on the body’s hormonal balance, which in turn affects fat storage and muscle growth. Implementing stress reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises, and ensuring you get adequate, quality sleep can support your body sculpting results.

Consultation and Follow-Ups

Work closely with your specialists for personalized advice. Your specialist will have specific advice tailored to your body’s needs and your aesthetic goals. Regular follow-up sessions can help adjust your treatment plan as needed to ensure you're on track to achieving your desired results.

By embracing these lifestyle wellness tips, clients can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their body sculpting treatments and enjoy sustained improvements in their body contour and overall health.

At Ultra Cryo & Recovery we're dedicated to providing cutting-edge, non-invasive treatments that offer our clients a safe and effective way to achieve their aesthetic goals. By complementing these treatments with a lifestyle focused on wellness, you can enjoy lasting, impactful results.

As you consider taking the next step towards a sculpted, more confident you, remember that our team is here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Ready to redefine your contours and boost your confidence? Contact us today at the wellness center closest to you!


202 Howard St. Ste 1

Auburndale, FL 33823


202 Howard St. Ste 1

Auburndale, FL 33823


42725 US Highway 27 Suite 103 Davenport, FL 33837

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Ultra Cryo & Recovery
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